
Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

I'm a Health and Lifestyle Coach, Course Creator, Blogger, part-time actress, and Busy Mom. My mission is to help dynamic, intelligent, creative women who feel exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed to embrace simple but transformative daily habit changes based on Ayurveda (ancient wisdom), and modern science, and connect back to their inner wisdom. In doing so, they have the potential to cultivate vibrant health, self-love, and a reignited passion for life. This simple, holistic process connects them to their inner voice (instead of looking outside for answers, we go IN-side) and teaches them nourishing habits that align them with nature's rhythms to reclaim their personal power and embody inner peace and outer glow.

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Are you listening to your body (or avoiding it)?

Do you know that your body has an innate wisdom about what's good for it and what's not, Reader? If you crave foods that go against your body's needs, it indicates a disconnect. Your mind and tongue are disconnected from what your bodily tissues desire and need to stay healthy. "Dumb" cravings are caused by built-up AMA (undigested foods and even emotions) that turn into toxins. ❓(Remember the TRIO I talked about in my last email?) The AMA takes over your body like an evil imposter and...

Really quickly Reader I'm looking for TEN busy, health-focused women who could use TEN days of powerful Self/Health-Care this spring.🌱 If deep nourishment, better sleep, and feeling more energetic and present in your life sounds like something you could use as spring settles in and before the chaos of summer revs up... Then click HERE to learn more about the "Glow with Soul" Spring Cleanse to Rest. Reset and Renew. It's not too late to take advantage of the early bird offer of $10 off and...

Hey there Reader, it's Paula! Do you know this TRIO? Let me introduce my three friends, Agni, Ama, and Ojas. I couldn't resist🤣 AGNI - According to Ayurveda, the secret to health lies in the digestive system and is called your Agni. This is the eternal fire🔥 that powers you through life and manifests as "the spark you feel for life." It is responsible for ALL transformation in the body, including metabolism, nutrient absorption, and elimination. If your Agni is burning dull, you feel...

Hi there Reader, it's Paula! I never send emails on a Sunday, but if you've read my last few emails, you'll know I'm super stoked to open the doors to my 10-day Ayurvedic/Self-Care Spring Cleanse and I just can't wait till Monday. 🤗 You may already be thinking... "I'm too busy. I have too many responsibilities, and people rely on me. Who has time amidst all the chaos? It feels a little selfish, and what is a cleanse anyway?" Or...whatever your spin on that may be.😉 I've said this before, and...

It's that time of year again Reader, and it happens only twice - spring & fall. Yep... it's time for a seasonal cleanse.🌱 I feel it in my fingers; I feel it in my toes (and bones and gut)🎶 As we transition from the heavy, slow inertia of winter into the bountiful, vibrant energy of spring, our bodies crave a reset and detoxification according to Ayurvedic principles. In winter, we naturally accumulate toxins (Ama) as our digestive fire (Agni) burns lower to preserve heat and energy. The...

Hey there Reader, it's Paula! It's taken me longer to understand this than I'd like to admit, but my business and health need systems. My natural tendency has always been to "go with the flow," "live in the moment," and follow my heart. BUT... As an entrepreneur who wears many hats, I've learned that simplicity, structure, and repeatable processes are imperative to not losing my s**t! I need systems to keep me sane, focused, and productive. If I don't have a schedule to follow and clarity...

Hey there Reader, it's Paula again! So many broken links...😳 I sent you my Valentine's Day Gift this morning, and I just learned that ALL the links are not working. 😔 I've recently moved my entire website to a new platform, and these are just some of the "kinks" we missed- my apologies. Here's the NEW and fully linked version of "Happy Self-Love Day" Tips, Treats, and Sweet Evening Rituals" to show yourself a little loving this Valentine's Day. I also want to say I love having you in my...

Happy Self-Love Day Reader! When searching for the historical roots of Valentine's Day, one of the best stories I've found is the one of St. Valentine. Saint Valentine was a Catholic priest who lived in Rome in the 3rd Century. He was known to marry young soldiers in secrecy after Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families. He even outlawed marriage for young men. When searching for the historical roots of Valentine's Day, one of the...

Good Morning Reader, it's Paula! I wanted to pop into your inbox with a quick "share." But, first of all, have you had a chance to check out my "Ten Steps to a Mid-Life Renewal" that I gave you last week? If not, click ➡️ MID-LIFE RENEWAL to grab it! On the topic of "Mid-Life," I want to share the benefits of one of the best herbs🌿 to support you in this phase of life. Hello Turmeric! Most people are familiar with turmeric as it's been trending in the West lately; however, it has been prized...

Good Morning Reader, it's Paula! I hope your week is going splendidly. I've been behind the scenes creating something cool that I'm excited to share with all you busy, health-focused (or aspiring) mid-life women. Introducing...the "10 Steps to a Mid-Life Renewal" If that doesn't include you, then perhaps you could share it with your mom, aunt, friend, or anyone you know who is in this phase of life (40s - 60s). be honest, these 10 TIPS apply to EVERYONE.😉 Click to grab the LINK to...