Are you too "Busy" for a Spring Cleanse?

Hi there Reader, it's Paula!

I never send emails on a Sunday, but if you've read my last few emails, you'll know I'm super stoked to open the doors to my 10-day Ayurvedic/Self-Care Spring Cleanse and I just can't wait till Monday. πŸ€—

You may already be thinking...

"I'm too busy. I have too many responsibilities, and people rely on me. Who has time amidst all the chaos? It feels a little selfish, and what is a cleanse anyway?"

Or...whatever your spin on that may be.πŸ˜‰

I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

If you've ever been on a plane, you've heard this instruction, and they are not messing around.

"Put your oxygen mask on first". 😷

Same principle, busy lady.
​Seriously, there's no better time for an Ayurvedic cleanse than at the junctures between winter to spring and summer to fall.

As the winter chill gives way to springs warmth a cleanse aligns perfectly with the body's natural transition. It provides the ultimate reset after a cold, damp, heavy winter that likely left you feeling sluggish, congested, and out of balance.

➑️ In a nutshell, a spring cleanse gives you an excellent opportunity for:

  • Deep detoxification and elimination of accumulated toxins, excess Kapha (water and earth) dosha, and improved metabolism.
  • Revitalized digestion, clear, glowing skin, relief from allergies and hormonal imbalances.
  • Increased energy levels, mental clarity, emotional stability, and reduced sluggishness
  • Rejuvenated immunity, self-awareness, and a renewed sense of vitality for the new season

Click ​HERE to learn more and get in on the Early Bird price ($10 off) with coupon code EARLYBIRD.πŸ₯

Do ten days of radical self/soul-care, eating tons of nourishing foods, and having support and guidance sound yummy (and necessary) to you?

Of course it does, Paula, tell me more.

I'd be happy to, thanks for asking. πŸ˜‰

In a nutshell, here's what we do.

We start by taking time to prepare (our kitchens, nervous system, and schedule) and ease our way in.

We then slowly minimize all processed and inflammatory foods as we gradually transition to a simplified diet centered around seasonal veggies, cooked grains, legumes, soups, and many easy-to-digest, nourishing, and yummy recipes that support detoxification and simplify life in the kitchen.

The "Glow with Soul" cleanse gently supports detoxification and rebalancing and is not a one-size-fits-all type of detox you'll find in a box or marketed for $$$.

During this time, I'll guide additional practices, such as sleep, self-care routines, and Ayurvedic practices, to complement your cleanse.

I aim to equip you with sustainable tools to feel your best beyond the ten days and moving into spring and swimsuit season. πŸ‘™

The best part is that I will lead you step by step along the journey, making this as simple and surface or as deep and transformational as YOU want. Both are equally as powerful.

An Ayurvedic cleanse meets you where you're at and gives you what you need - period!

You can also join the cleanse and adjust your dates to fit your schedule.

If your intuition is saying "Hell Yes" or even "Hmmm, I'm curious, then...

Click ​HERE to learn more and get in on the Early Bird price ($10 off) with coupon code EARLYBIRD.πŸ₯



Here's what a few of the ladies from the fall cleanse had to say...

Ps. If a spring cleanse is not for you, but you still want to receive my emails, please hang in there. I'll be back to "regular programming" very soon.πŸ’•

If you have any questions about the Spring cleanse (or anything else) please reply to this email and let's connect.

Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

I'm a Health and Lifestyle Coach, Course Creator, Blogger, part-time actress, and Busy Mom. My mission is to help dynamic, intelligent, creative women who feel exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed to embrace simple but transformative daily habit changes based on Ayurveda (ancient wisdom), and modern science, and connect back to their inner wisdom. In doing so, they have the potential to cultivate vibrant health, self-love, and a reignited passion for life. This simple, holistic process connects them to their inner voice (instead of looking outside for answers, we go IN-side) and teaches them nourishing habits that align them with nature's rhythms to reclaim their personal power and embody inner peace and outer glow.

Read more from Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

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Really quickly Reader I'm looking for TEN busy, health-focused women who could use TEN days of powerful Self/Health-Care this spring.🌱 If deep nourishment, better sleep, and feeling more energetic and present in your life sounds like something you could use as spring settles in and before the chaos of summer revs up... Then click HERE to learn more about the "Glow with Soul" Spring Cleanse to Rest. Reset and Renew. It's not too late to take advantage of the early bird offer of $10 off and...

Hey there Reader, it's Paula! Do you know this TRIO? Let me introduce my three friends, Agni, Ama, and Ojas. I couldn't resist🀣 AGNI - According to Ayurveda, the secret to health lies in the digestive system and is called your Agni. This is the eternal fireπŸ”₯ that powers you through life and manifests as "the spark you feel for life." It is responsible for ALL transformation in the body, including metabolism, nutrient absorption, and elimination. If your Agni is burning dull, you feel...