I Have Something New for You!

Good Morning Reader, it's Paula!

I hope your week is going splendidly. I've been behind the scenes creating something cool that I'm excited to share with all you busy, health-focused (or aspiring) mid-life women.

Introducing...the "10 Steps to a Mid-Life Renewal"

If that doesn't include you, then perhaps you could share it with your mom, aunt, friend, or anyone you know who is in this phase of life (40s - 60s).

Psst...to be honest, these 10 TIPS apply to EVERYONE.😉

Click to grab the LINK to receive the guidebook.

Here's a quick peek:

  1. Take time every day for YOU.
  2. Let Nature take the lead.
  3. Focus on Digestion.
  4. Sleep and How to Get More.
  5. Have a great Morning Routine.
  6. Move Daily.
  7. Care for your Senses.
  8. Self-Massage for Deeper Healing and Graceful Aging.
  9. Manage Stress.
  10. Choose Your Habits Wisely.

Plus 3 BONUSES critical to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled YOU in mid-life.

I'm showing up on Tok Tok (don't tell my daughter😉) with quick videos to chat about each of these steps.

Here's the LINK.

Follow along as I share it all.

May the rest of your week and the end of January align with what you decided you wanted for yourself one month ago...hint hint...how are those 2024 New Year Intentions going?

Hit me back if you need some support or would like to share a big or little "WIN"



Ps. If you're a mid-life, busy, health-focused (or aspiring) woman/ mom who is feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or fed-up with spinning so many plates (while neglecting your deeper needs) and is looking for simple, time-tested, basic ways to care for yourself better, then please click to get the "10 Steps to a Mid-Life Renewal".

You're going to love it!

Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

I'm a Health and Lifestyle Coach, Course Creator, Blogger, part-time actress, and Busy Mom. My mission is to help dynamic, intelligent, creative women who feel exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed to embrace simple but transformative daily habit changes based on Ayurveda (ancient wisdom), and modern science, and connect back to their inner wisdom. In doing so, they have the potential to cultivate vibrant health, self-love, and a reignited passion for life. This simple, holistic process connects them to their inner voice (instead of looking outside for answers, we go IN-side) and teaches them nourishing habits that align them with nature's rhythms to reclaim their personal power and embody inner peace and outer glow.

Read more from Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

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