It's the First Day of Spring - Can you feel it?

It's that time of year again Reader, and it happens only twice - spring & fall.

Yep... it's time for a seasonal cleanse.🌱

I feel it in my fingers; I feel it in my toes (and bones and gut)🎶

As we transition from the heavy, slow inertia of winter into the bountiful, vibrant energy of spring, our bodies crave a reset and detoxification according to Ayurvedic principles.

In winter, we naturally accumulate toxins (Ama) as our digestive fire (Agni) burns lower to preserve heat and energy.

The animals do it too. 😉

This buildup of toxins can leave us feeling sluggish, congested, and out of balance as spring blossoms. 🌷

An Ayurvedic spring cleanse helps eliminate these accumulated toxins and reset the body's natural state of vibrant health.

For example:

✔️my body feels sluggish, lethargic, heavier than normal, and unable to squeeze into my favorite jeans. Blah! 😐

✔️ I feel congested and sniffly, even though I don't typically have allergies. 🤧

✔️my hair and skin feel dull and lifeless, ugh.

✔️even my mind feels unmotivated and uninspired. 🥱

So many people I talk to report feeling depressed or sad, as the heaviness and stagnation associated with the end of winter can weigh down on the mind and emotions.

As we slowly transition from winter❄️ to spring🌱, you may relate to feeling...

➡️ Lack of clarity and focus, finding it harder to concentrate, think clearly, or make decisions. 🤷🏽

➡️ Increased attachment and attachment to routine. Many people find themselves clinging to familiar routines and habits at the end of winter and are resistant to change or new experiences.

➡️ Emotional imbalance due to a buildup of toxins from the previous season that can manifest as mood swings, irritability, or emotional outbursts. 😤

Do any of these ring true for you ⁉️

Here's the thing...

None of these have to play out any longer than I (or you) let them.

That's why an Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse allows you to press "pause," "eliminate accumulated toxins," and bring your body back into balance and vibrant health.

"I'm too busy," you may be thinking, to "press pause."

If you've ever been on a plane, you've heard the instruction to put YOUR oxygen mask on first. 😷

Same principle, love.💕.

When we carve out an intentional period to neutralize and even reverse the effects of winter with a simple at-home cleanse, we have an opportunity to: ​

• Reduce/eliminate digestive challenges leading to problems such as constipation, bloating, and indigestion.

• Lose unwanted weight.

• Boost energy levels, motivation, and overall happiness and fulfillment.

• Reduce increased mucus production, causing respiratory issues such as congestion, coughing, and allergies.

• Strengthen the immune system, making the body more resilient against seasonal allergies and illnesses.

• Clear the blood of toxins and revitalize body tissues.

• Support all of the body's major cleansing organs (liver, kidneys, colon, skin, etc.).

And so much more.

Are you curious about the benefits of an Ayurvedic Cleanse?

Click ​HERE​ to learn more and get in on the Early Bird price ($10 off) with coupon code EARLYBIRD.🐥

Have questions? Just reply to this email, and I'll reply ASAP.



Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

I'm a Health and Lifestyle Coach, Course Creator, Blogger, part-time actress, and Busy Mom. My mission is to help dynamic, intelligent, creative women who feel exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed to embrace simple but transformative daily habit changes based on Ayurveda (ancient wisdom), and modern science, and connect back to their inner wisdom. In doing so, they have the potential to cultivate vibrant health, self-love, and a reignited passion for life. This simple, holistic process connects them to their inner voice (instead of looking outside for answers, we go IN-side) and teaches them nourishing habits that align them with nature's rhythms to reclaim their personal power and embody inner peace and outer glow.

Read more from Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

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