Why my Business and Health need SYSTEMS

Hey there Reader, it's Paula!

It's taken me longer to understand this than I'd like to admit, but my business and health need systems.

My natural tendency has always been to "go with the flow," "live in the moment," and follow my heart.


As an entrepreneur who wears many hats, I've learned that simplicity, structure, and repeatable processes are imperative to not losing my s**t!

I need systems to keep me sane, focused, and productive.

If I don't have a schedule to follow and clarity around what NEEDS to get done to move the needle in my business, I can quickly end the day wondering what the hell I accomplished.🤨

Sound familiar?

I work with health-focused(or aspiring to be), midlife women living busy, modern lives. They are often master jugglers wearing multiple hats and trying to keep all the balls in the air, often at the expense of their health, happiness, and fulfillment.

They bounce from one "quick fix" to another, able to only deal with whatever momentary "emergency" is in front of them. 🆘

Eventually, "dropping balls" and breaking down is inevitable on some level - physically, mentally, emotionally, or all three.

That may show up as difficult menopause, anxiety, STRESS, brain fog, frustration, emotional eating, addictions, insomnia, lack of motivation, digestive issues, feelings of powerlessness, and disconnection...the list goes on.


I help clients create better everyday structures (aka habits) that care for their most essential needs in all 3 categories to be healthy on all levels.



👉Stress Management

Ayurveda, and now modern science, prove that the body THRIVES on routine and suffers without it.

These habits I teach are rooted in ancient wisdom and are considered the most "back-to-basics" natural way of caring for yourself.

In my Spring "Glow with Soul Daily Habits Course," launching soon, this is what we do.

Here's the thing...It's great to have big goals, dreams, and aspirations.

However, GOALS are about the desired results, and SYSTEMS are about the processes that lead to those results.

Please read that twice. 😉

Regarding your health and happiness goals, "Dinacharya" (daily routines) is the system that takes care of your body, mind, and emotional health to fulfill your goal of feeling good, aging well, and thriving.

I tell my clients that it's NOT about the habits themselves; instead, it's about the results that the habits make possible.

A few examples of this that my clients experience are:

• Deep and sustainable energy.
• Better sleep = better everything.
• Easier menopause.
• More TIME to do other things you love.
• Healthier digestion and gut health.
• Feeling more grounded, calm and present in your life.
• Optimal weight and muscle tone.
• More self-respect and confidence.
• More joy and contentment.
• A more profound connection to spirit, higher consciousness.
• A re-ignited passion for life and connection to dharma (purpose).

The list goes on.

Click here if you'd like to get on the WAITLIST and learn more about my "Glow with Soul Daily Habits Course," launching next month.

Learn simple, repeatable, time-tested daily habits that become the system that supports you in every other area of your life.

That's it for now!



Here's what course member Jenn. B. had to say.

Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

I'm a Health and Lifestyle Coach, Course Creator, Blogger, part-time actress, and Busy Mom. My mission is to help dynamic, intelligent, creative women who feel exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed to embrace simple but transformative daily habit changes based on Ayurveda (ancient wisdom), and modern science, and connect back to their inner wisdom. In doing so, they have the potential to cultivate vibrant health, self-love, and a reignited passion for life. This simple, holistic process connects them to their inner voice (instead of looking outside for answers, we go IN-side) and teaches them nourishing habits that align them with nature's rhythms to reclaim their personal power and embody inner peace and outer glow.

Read more from Hi, I'm Paula- owner of Mind Body Bright (Glow with Soul)

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